Full rehearsal calendar! 3-13: Gay or European through Legally Blonde Remix
3-14: End of Legally Blonde Remix through End of show Dance call at 6:30
3-15: Run all of Act 1 Pit rehearsal 5:30-7:30
3-18: Run act 2 Pit rehearsal 3:00-5:00
3-19: Run and polish act 1
Dance call 6:30
3-20: Run and polish act 2
3-21: Full show run
3-22: half day Full show run starting at 12:00 noon. You will have an hour and a half for lunch before rehearsal. Please let us know if you are leaving for spring break and will have to miss this rehearsal. This day may be subject to change.
Possible pit rehearsal if musicians are available.
3-25 through 3-29: There will be an open set build call every day for all who are available. Those who come to set builds during spring break will be awarded extra points for theatre club. Those who attend ALL set builds during spring break will be awarded even further extra points.
4-1: Full run of show
4-2: Full run of show
4-3: Full run of show
4-4: Full run of show
Dance call 6:30
4-5: Full run of show
4-6: SATURDAY REHEARSAL. This will be an open discussion to see if full company can make it in. I would like to do our Sitzprobe (first sing through with the pit) saturday morning. If we are not available I will find a day during the week.
4-8 through 4-12:
Tech Week!!! Full company called every day. We will be doing double rehearsals with a break for dinner from 5:30 to 6:30. By this point the show should be running smoothly so there should not vv nbbbbbbb be any double rehearsals necessary. We may, however, call certain scenes that need touch ups in the evening but there will not be full company double rehearsals.
4-15: Dress rehearsal
4-16: Potential Dark day. If we are on track with the show and ready to perform, we will use this day to rest before our week of shows ahead
4-17: Matinee during school. Full cast will be exempt from classes. Call time will be posted once we get closer.